Friday, February 14, 2014

I Heart Home

Happy Valentine's Day!

We are in the midst of a snow storm here, which makes having a cozy, comfy home a true joy.

Hand knitted dishcloths
I began a small project a few days ago of knitting up some new dishcloths.  These homemade cloths are by far my favorite.  They last for a long time and I can make them the size and pattern that I choose.

Knitting things for the house is a labor of love.  I don't have to take the time to pick out the right color of cotton.  Nor do I have to use the down time I have in the evenings to make them.  But I feel a connection to my home by slowing down and making the effort.  And not only do I feel a sense of accomplishment when they are finished, but every time I use them when cleaning up after a home cooked meal.

Living a simple life isn't necessarily about doing things the easy way.  It's about slowing down.  Making the effort. Enjoying the process.  It's about real life and real love.

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