Thursday, January 1, 2015

Welcome 2015!

Happy New Year to you all!

Books to read in 2015
We rang in the new year about like we always do.  My husband went to bed by 11pm, my daughter fell asleep on the couch and my son and I stayed up putting together a puzzle.  When the clock turned over to midnight, we wished one another a Happy New Year, brushed our teeth and went to bed.  I suppose it's not the most exciting way to celebrate, but at least I can say that I saw 2015 tiptoe into our lives.

To kick things off today, I'm putting together lists of things to do this year.

 First is my book list.  You'll find it to the right of the page.  I'm a firm believer that if you want to make the best of life, you must obtain knowledge.  Books are key.

Read the Bible in One YearI've also found a 52 Weeks To An Organized Home list on Pinterest. It's not 100% fitting for my home, but close enough to be a good start. I'll start with my kitchen counters and sink today.  One organizational project a week should be doable.

I started a daily Bible reading program this morning.  I found a copy of The One Year Bible (New Living Translation) at Goodwill a few weeks ago.  It's set up with a passage from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs daily.  And the Living translation will keep the reading light.  Generally I use the King James Version for my studies but I know myself, and "easier" will keep me engaged longer.  Preferably, for the whole year.

As far as typical resolutions, I guess I don't have any.

I really just want to continue doing the best I can every day.  Looking for better ways.  Implementing new ideas.  Being open to people.  Being frugal.  Reading.  Helping.

Our pastor recently spoke on considering what we can contribute to the church and the work of God and not just on what we get from it.

When Mary poured expensive perfume over Jesus' feet, she was taking the best she had, probably what would have been passed on when she died, and gave it to the Lord.  (John 12:3)

The message was to offer the best of our talents to God now and not have them still setting on a shelf when we die.

So this year, 2015, I'm giving the hashtag of #DoLifeBig and using Jamie Grace's song, Do Life Big, as my theme song.  I want to make sure I'm not holding back my best just for the sake of holding back.

So here's to a new beginning.  To doing my best.  To doing life big.  To new changes...  Of course, today is the first of the month and some things don't change.  Rent is due.  Oh, well. #DoLifeBig

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